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  • Greenwood Capital

Unlocking Growth: The Permanence of Full Expensing and Its Impact on Business Investment

In a landmark move hailed as the "largest business tax cut in modern British history," Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has made a groundbreaking announcement in his Autumn Statement that has the potential to reshape the landscape for businesses across the nation. The policy in question, aptly named "full expensing," allows businesses to deduct the entire cost of investing in machinery and equipment from their tax bills, marking a significant departure from the previously scheduled end date in 2026.  The change is likely to underpin business borrowing in some sectors.

The Chancellor's Bold Move

Addressing the nation, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt emphasized the profound impact of this policy, stating that for every £1 million a company invests, it would receive a substantial £250,000 deduction from their tax bill in the same fiscal year. This game-changing initiative covers a wide spectrum of equipment, ranging from computers and office furniture to large-scale machinery such as tractors and construction equipment opening further needs for asset backed finance.

Praise and Criticism

While the Chancellor's declaration has been praised by major business groups as a catalyst for growth, an economics think tank has contested the claim of it being the "largest business tax cut in modern British history." Despite this dissent, the policy has garnered widespread support, including from the Labour party. Undoubtedly, it will be a factor in many business funding decisions.

A Boost for Businesses

The heart of the initiative lies in its potential to stimulate economic growth by encouraging businesses to invest and plan for future business expansion funding. By allowing companies to deduct the full costs of equipment from their tax bills, the government aims to incentivize firms to modernize their operations, upgrade technology, and bolster productivity. This move is especially timely given the economic challenges posed by recent global events.  An example of the success of this type of support can be seen by the uptake of electric vehicles in businesses which have enjoyed 100% expensing for over 5 years.

Numbers Speak Louder Than Words

According to research conducted by the British Chambers of Commerce, the policy has already proven beneficial to 34% of businesses since its temporary introduction in April. The positive impact on businesses has been immediate and tangible. However, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) offers a nuanced perspective, forecasting a potential short-term dip in business investment as firms adjust to the removal of the 2026 deadline. Nevertheless, the OBR estimates that, in the long run, the policy will result in a substantial £3 billion increase in business investment annually.  We also believe that a greater level of awareness as a result of the publicity around the statement will also drive business equipment finance generally. Commenting on the extension of Full Expensing, Cameron McAdie Greenwood’s managing director said, “The Chancellor’s measure to encourage growth will have a positive impact on the willingness of businesses to commit to funding business expansion more readily”.


Greenwood Capital: Navigating the Future of Business Funding Options

As businesses grapple with the evolving economic landscape, Greenwood Capital stands ready to guide investors through the opportunities for equipment finance presented by this historic ‘tax cut’. With a team of seasoned experts, Greenwood Capital is poised to provide strategic insights, investment advice, and a comprehensive understanding of the implications of full expensing on integrated business lending in various sectors.

Looking Ahead at Integrated Business Lending

The permanence of full expensing marks a pivotal moment in British economic policy, offering businesses a unique opportunity to thrive in an environment of reduced tax burdens. Greenwood Capital, with its commitment to excellence and foresight, is positioned as a leading ally for investors seeking to navigate and capitalize on this transformative period in the UK's economic history. You may want to better understand how to best exploit the changes which could lead to business refinance, business vehicle leasing or the replacement of leasing finance with asset finance.  Whatever the need we work with a large panel of trusted business lenders and can advise on the most affordable business loans or finance to help grow your business.

In conclusion, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt's Autumn Statement has set the stage for a new era of economic growth, and businesses that leverage the benefits of full expensing are poised to emerge as frontrunners in this exciting journey toward prosperity. Greenwood Capital invites you to explore the potential this policy holds for your investments and invites you to connect with their team of experts to make informed and lucrative decisions in the evolving economic landscape.

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