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Your information will be controlled and processed by Greenwood Capital Advisory Limited, which trades as Greenwood Capital.

You can contact us with any questions, comments or requests you may have regarding this privacy policy using the details below on our 'Contact Us' page.

If you are unhappy with how we have used your personal information, you can contact us using the details above and we will investigate and provide a response to you. If you are still unhappy with the outcome of the complaint, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office, you can report a complaint here.

This privacy notice is to explain how GC promises to protect and use your personal information. This includes anything you may have told us yourself, what we may learn during the course of your contracts with us, what we learn about you from other parties, and your marketing preferences. This privacy notice also outlines your rights and how the law affects you. We will:

1. Keep your data safe and secure.

2. Allow you to manage your marketing preferences with us.


Information we may collect from you

During the course of our relationship with you, we may need to collect and process data about you. The types of data that we will require will fall broadly into one of the categories below:


Type of Personal Information - Description

Contact - Name, telephone, address, email address and how to contact you

Financial - Bank details, credit information, personal financial status relating to all directors and proprietors

Public - Details from the electoral register, companies house, and other information publicly available about you or your business

Special - Criminal records data - this is only stored for Insurance customers currently, please see how your data is used section for further details on this

Permission - Permissions you have granted us to use your data, primarily for marketing purposes

Documentation - Data stored in documents you have sent us, such as bills and contracts from suppliers to enable us to help you switch, or leases to prove change of tenancy where required.

Technical Data - The types of equipment and software, IP addresses, geographical location, operating system and browser type you use to access our online services where available.

Analytics - Data that tells us how you have navigated across our websites, selected certain preferences on our website, what number you called us on, how long you called us for and the reason for the call etc.

Product Specific - Details about the products you have taken, what you are interested in, whether we've discussed certain products with you previously.

We will collect this data during the course of business by one of the following methods:

  • When you fill out forms on our site

  • When we talk with each other by telephone, including recorded calls and notes we make

  • When we communicate with each other by email

  • When we communicate with each other by instant messaging

  • When you visit our sites and navigate around the web pages

  • From completed surveys we send you from time to time

  • From subscribing to our newsletters, white papers or other such communications

  • From your interaction with our social media accounts


In the cases where we are in the course of arranging a contract for you, or have arranged a contract for you in the past, we will also receive data about you via the following methods:

  • Details about your current and past financial services products from your financial service provider(s)

  • Fraud prevention agencies

  • Publicly held information from Companies House or the Electoral Register

  • Companies that introduce you to us

  • Companies that provide data services that will enable us to gather information about your business



How we use your information and why

We are required to ensure that we are processing data under one of the following legal bases:

  1. In order to fulfil a contractual requirement with you

  2. We have a legitimate interest in processing your data, given due regard to your interests, rights and freedoms

  3. You have provided us with consent to process your data

  4. We are required to fulfil a legal obligation

  5. We are required to process your data in order to protect yours or another person’s vital interests

  6. Processing is necessary for the performance of a task in the public interest


Our primary purpose for using your data is to help you switch provider and get you a better contract for your business essential services, so using that as an example, we will process your data in order to fulfil our contract we have agreed with you.

Below is a list of how we process personal data, why we do so and the legal basis under which we are operating:

Who do we share your information with

When you use our services, agree a contract with a supplier or talk to us about services we offer we may share your information with the third parties below. If you would like to know who your information has been shared with in the course of arranging your contracts, then you can request this information at any time.



Financial Services Providers

When arranging a loan or other financial services product, we may provide data to lenders, banking institutions or intermediaries who specialise in and offer loans for business purposes in order to provide you with offers of products suitable to meet your requirements and ultimately to arrange a business loan for you.



We have agreements with partners who can’t provide the services we do for businesses and so will refer customer to us to complete customer’s requests. If you have been passed to us via a partner, we will share information about your sale back to the partner in order to pay their referral fee.


General Business

Outside companies we may use in order to develop our products, provide analysis, improve our services to customers, or give advice to us. These could include:

  • Market researchers. These firms may get in touch with you on our behalf to ask you for your opinions and feedback. These firms may then use the information you provide them and cross-reference that data with other sources they may have in order to build a picture of our customers and how they use our products. They will then provide us with analysis and advice so we improve our products and services and help us to be better at serving you.

  • Advisers. This could be our solicitors, IT suppliers, consultancies. They are likely to provide us advice, and in order to give us the best advice may well require access to personal information.

  • Advertisers and analytics providers. These firms, such as Google, Facebook or Twitter, may be given limited information about you if you consent, in order to display targeted relevant messages to you and others about our services.


How long we keep your information

We will keep your personal information for as long as you are a customer of ours.

We may be required to keep your data for up to 10 years after you stop being a customer. During that time we could use your data for the following processes:

  • To respond to a question or a complaint

  • To prove that we have arranged valid agreements to our suppliers

  • To analyse historical trends, perform internal research or develop our products and services

  • To obey tax or anti-money laundering rules around record keeping

  • To keep insurance data for employer’s liability claims

We commit to keeping your data safe and secure during this period and will ensure your privacy is protected.

Your Legal Rights

Under the Data Protection Act 2018 you have the following rights, this section explains what they are and how they work:

1. The right to be informed.

We will always explain to you how we are going to use your personal information when you take a contract with us, this could be as part of your application process, or asking how you would like to be marketed to, but will also be set out in the terms and conditions of your agreements with us and within this privacy policy.

2. The right of access.

You are entitled to request the personal information we hold on you and how we have processed that information. You can do this simply by contacting us via email, letter or phone and we will respond within 30 days. Additionally you have the right to certain information in a digital format for your own personal use. Please let us know that you would like this option at the point of requesting your personal information.

3. The right to rectification

If you believe that any of the personal information we hold is incorrect or out of date, please contact us and we will correct it for you

4. The right to request we stop processing your information, object to us holding it or delete your information completely

You can ask us to delete, remove or stop using your personal information if there is no reason that we should be holding it or processing it. As stated above, there may be a contractual agreement in place, or we have a legal obligation to process or store your data, and in these circumstances we will explain whether we can delete your data or stop processing it, this will not be on all occasions.

Broadly speaking, where we have asked for your consent to process your data eg. Sending marketing emails, you can withdraw your consent at any time to that sort of processing; or where we are acting under legitimate interests, you will be able to request we stop that processing.

We will review any request under these rights and provide you with an answer either agreeing to your request, or explaining why we can’t.

Our site also contains links to and from the websites of our partner networks, suppliers and affiliates. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that they will have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies or data activities on such websites. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data to these websites.

Cookie Policy

GC uses cookies and other similar technologies in the operation of this website.

A cookie is a piece of information that a website puts on your computer so it can remember something about you or your device at a later date. We use cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website (including when you browse other third party websites). This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse this website. We also use cookies and similar technologies to show you more personalised advertising, including adverts on other websites. By using our website, you agree to our use of cookies. This policy explains what cookies, including third party cookies, we use on our website, and how you can refuse or withdraw your consent to cookies. You can find more information about cookies at and

Privacy Policy


Greenwood Capital Advisory Limited

Company number: 13970176

ICO number: ZB410536

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